His Holiness The Alcoholic Pope Archie Leach II
2013-05-20 21:17:25 UTC
Diddling altar-boys is no longer chic in my beloved church. I hereby
open up the shitterys of women as acceptable load dumpsters for our
men. They say alcoholism is a disease but getting a buzz on is
breathtaking. I decree the so called "recovery" from drinking to be a
scam and order EVERYBODY to partake in the fermented fruits of the
vineyard. Familiarize yourselves with marijuana and prepare yourselves
for the eventual legalization (which yours truly supports)
Watch the Borgias every Sabbath and learn how a real intuitive Pope
My official seal: ((((((((+))))))))
Arch II
open up the shitterys of women as acceptable load dumpsters for our
men. They say alcoholism is a disease but getting a buzz on is
breathtaking. I decree the so called "recovery" from drinking to be a
scam and order EVERYBODY to partake in the fermented fruits of the
vineyard. Familiarize yourselves with marijuana and prepare yourselves
for the eventual legalization (which yours truly supports)
Watch the Borgias every Sabbath and learn how a real intuitive Pope
My official seal: ((((((((+))))))))
Arch II